Devlog #1: Placeholder Name: ForkmanRPG.
I made a game. A prototype of a game. In Unity. For the past three months. A game that looks really unpolished and unfinished, but seems fun for now. A game I have been meaning to allow myself to meander and explore a world unseen and untouched. (Sort of a weird way to put it, but I want to let myself build something exciting and fun).
First off, Game Development is complex. It is very, very hard. The fast-paced videos on youtube, nicely cut, with greenscreens and thicc edits, distract from the grueling process of game development. For me, each glitch (I'm an amateur at game development although I've been doing this for years) has been a horrible, grueling mistake, and takes about a day to fix.
The game I've been developing is a combination of old, decaying Roblox tycoon games and was especially inspired by FPS games like Cruelty Squad, and RPGs like Disco Elysium, Fallout, and Planescape Torment. One special mention is the book Snow Crash, in which many of the game's central loops and complexities rest on many of the book's wonderful, intriguing ideas. Many games I also drew inspiration for developing the shrines, cultures, and religions were roguelike games like Hades and Enter The Gungeon.
The name ForkmanRPG was based on a short story I wrote a while ago called Forkman. It's a gory, kinda weak story. I was honing my writing skills and the time and had an interesting premise about superheroes rising from the most mundane things. In the story, the main character works for a paper company. This story was mainly the basis for the entirety of the game. Some of the game's main mechanics rest on this formation of something from nothing. Similar to the name Forkman, I created at least 7 others, FloorMan, StairsMan, PersonMan, Wallman, DeskMan, and so on.
Unfortunately, I have no proof of development. But I can show you some recent additions to the game.
Last Week, I added an existential computer game to the main workspace of the character. In the beginning, the character arrives at their desk and must work to make money, clicking on this really, dumb button (that barely seems to register, and it seems that I may have to add something to add more flare and excitement to pressing a dull, red button). Emotional Health is one of the central components of the game because I want to make the game realistic and interesting. For me, it's a way to develop the NPCs and characters in the world and make it interesting. To add a bit of insanity to all the beings in a massively, unforgiving world.
Anyhow, the main point of this existential computer game is to add a bit of exploration into the computer's personality, and depression as it wastes away. For the sprites of the existential computer game, I added a bit of a decaying, simplistic, yet rugged quality. That is to say, a pixel art Jackson pollock(really bad).
This Week, I added a lot more things than just a plain Existential Computer Choice Game because I had a lot more time to do what I wanted. I spent about 10 hours building the beginning of another money-making machine(out of about 15), money-making machines are basically just a fancier amount of upgrades. Such as factory makers, shrines, the people seller, etc. This one I called the Mafia Machine, which is probably a placeholder, but this machine contains a list of kills(targets) in which the player must terminate to earn money. I am considering adding a fictional mafia in this universe but am unsure. In the game, I plan to add a couple of villains, a couple of scarrryyyy things, like Father Time, an incongruous mass of flesh that drinks time away from living beings.
Another thing I added was a Commune Of Anarchist Rats and for that, I was inspired by the old movie adaptation of the Secrets Of NIMH or the film adaptation of Watership Down. Because I absolutely hated the movie. It felt corny and extremely played out, standard Adventure fanfare, drawn out by the studio to make more money and profit off of Disney Movies featuring similar characters and similar themes.
The Commune Of Anarchist Rats is a deranged, darker form of this. It features rats who work day and night for large corporations that don't care for the working conditions or the quality of products. Rats are sold as slaves, rats sell drugs, rats sell weak, cheap guns, rats have lower emotional health, etc, etc.
By KnownDisc
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