Synopsis/Plot A group of villagers suffers from the repeated attacks from bandits. Some of the villagers are extremely afraid and wish not to fight the Samurai, but live in a parasitic-like co-relationship between the bandits and the villagers, but Rikichi, hot-headed and with nothing to lose, wishes to hire Samurai to finally win back their lives and their food so they don't starve anymore. So, Rikichi and a group of other villagers set off to another village to search for Samurai. There, they meet Kembai, after he shaves a sign of Samurai Honor, a braid of hair, and saves a child from a kidnapper. They ask him to join their resistance against the Samurai, and with initial reluctance, he goes, recruiting his friend, a fellow Samurai, Shichiroji, and four others, a friendly and cheerful, Gorobei, a rich and young Okamoto, Heihachi, and Kyuzo. Eventually, a man claiming to be a Samurai drunkenly comes in, fails the trap, and shows his family scroll, although it is for a teenager. ...
A series of books, stories, that I've made on the internet and spread around somewhat, that I'm trying to gather right here, right now in this current blog location. Some of these stories are genuine trash, but some of the stuff is interesting, sometimes alluring... Maybe...