\ As Gata Kamsky said, 'I'm a famous f******legend, and some prick is flagging me!'. Some famous life advice. Chess is a game of extremely weird and interesting proportions, semi-positional, pattern-filled, and with weird, interesting, and beautiful things, like sacrifices... Ideas that appear nonsensical on the outside, but filled with a secret brilliancy. Through five games, here are some interesting, odd, sacrifices and moves that I've found online. 5 McDonnell vs Bourdannais(0-1) https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/pgn/zrVDM1Ldc One of the more interesting chess games from the 18th century showed the power of pawns, showing a mobile block of connect-three, and with the final position being a mate in 2-3. Arising from the Open Sicilian, one of the earliest master games to employ the defense, the three pawns ran down the board after the f-pawn pushed down the board. f5 itself is a blunder, but fxe4, the 23rd move in the game is a powerful, brilliant move, as B...
A series of books, stories, that I've made on the internet and spread around somewhat, that I'm trying to gather right here, right now in this current blog location. Some of these stories are genuine trash, but some of the stuff is interesting, sometimes alluring... Maybe...